Simply put, BLG Connectors provides you with opportunity. The opportunity to own a business without the large investment or risk most entrepreneurs have to make, and with the total support of BLG resources behind you every step of the way.
All you do is direct people to the products and services, produced and provided by BLG... and BLG takes care of the rest.
Our Resources. Our Revenue Streams. Our Sharing.
Supporting Business & Organisation Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Community Champions and Role Models. We support those who support our community. By helping them we help ourselves and share in the revenue streams created.
We are Opportunity, Timing, Resources, Success, Change and Transition
When someone becomes a customer and pays their bills, you get paid. That’s residual income. Plus, every time you acquire a new customer or help an existing customer add a service, you give yourself a raise.
BLG instead works with people globally and the result is a remarkable business opportunity for you offering business and consumer products and services to anyone across the global consumer community.
How it works
Black Links Global Connections welcomes you to the start of your journey with us. We are individuals from different cultures, creeds, colours, locations and languages. But we are all connectors, united in helping each other and sharing in the wealth our community has to offer.
When you become a connector, you get an account and an unique address that links anyone that uses it to you. In this way you see every transaction that takes place when your link is used and from this you get paid (in real time). You also get paid when other people use your link to become connectors. The amount you receive is detailed in the compensation plan and the presentation available.
We have a Group you can join at . It’s a place to network and share ideas and information on how to use your unique referral link to connect with clients and other people.
In order to become a Connector and benefit from the Black Links Global Network of revenue and resources you can visit the links below and register either as a Business Builder or an Asset Acquirer for a fee.
When you become a connector, you get an account and an unique address that links anyone that uses it to you. In this way you see every transaction that takes place when your link is used and from this you get paid (in real time). You also get paid when other people use your link to become connectors. The amount you receive is detailed in the compensation plan and the presentation available.
Something for everyone: Membership levels
We’re able to offer you 2 membership choices so you can choose what works best with your lifestyle and budget. You can decide the entry cost applicable and how much money you wish to make.
BLG instead works with people globally and the result is a remarkable business opportunity for you offering business and consumer products and services to anyone across the global consumer community.
Option 1
Asset Aquirer
Membership fee:
Membership fee reduced for a limited time to:
Earn From: Revenue Streams | Benefits: % of all country revenue
Earn From: Revenue Streams | Benefits: % of all country revenue
Earn From: Team Building | Benefits: % of all connector fees
Earn From: Elevation Program – For Entrepreneurs, Leaders, Visionaries, Innovators, Dreamers + Doers | Benefits: Business Builder (BB) Advance Business Builder (ABB) Business Co-ordinator (BC) Business Director (BD)
Ultimate Earned Position: Choose your own Business Proposition| Benefits: Become a Bespoke Business Owner
Ultimate Unearned Position: By Appointment | Benefits: BLG Ambassador