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Lamantin Beach Hotel
Hotel Saly, Sénégal80 kilometres south of Dakar on the RN1, in Serere country, between the sea and
Ascoma Senegal
Benefiting from the support and expertise of the Ascoma Group, an independent international
Location: Xeewel Building - Rue Thann Angle - 15 Boulevard Djily Mbaye BP 50 763 - CP 18 524 DakarWebsite:[action]=show&tx_catalog_affiliates[controller]=Affiliate&cHash=15b9fbf969fa263f3ed6cd4f60eac4ecPhone: (+221) 33 889 09 00
ollic residence
Furnished room for rent per day in Dakar SENEGAL.Rent a furnished room in the Plateau. You will have
Location: fass paillote Senegal,12500Website: http://facebook